Colourful post-its

Northumberland County Council (Mowbray Day Centre)

Point A Profile - Mowbray Centre

Point A Profile

Northumberland County Council (Mowbray Day Centre )

What are the aims of your organisation and what do you do?
To provide a safe environment for adults with learning disabilities to do enriching and rewarding activities both inside the day centre and also in the community

What services do you currently offer, that would be useful and accessible to adults who identify as neurodivergent, autistic or with a learning disability?
A variety of personal centred activities throughout the week for adults with learning disability’s and a diverse group of attendees with different levels of needs.

Where in Northumberland can you meet people who may be referred?
We generally request they do a face to face visit here at Mowbray Day Centre.

Please give the contact details of the best person to talk to discuss making a referral
Kevin Dodd
Stakeford Lane
NE62 5HQ
Email Address
Phone Number 07966325374

What is the process for referring someone to your services?
By email or telephone contact by care managers, social workers and family members or care givers to Mowbray Day Centre Management Team.

What could someone expect will happen next, once they have been referred?
Face to face visit here at Mowbray Day Centre.

If possible, please share any positive recommendations you may have had from satisfied users of your services
Hi R (social worker) hope you are well. We’ve have been looking at day service provision. We have looked at Parkhead, Blyth Riverside and Mowbray day Centres. We are blown away by Mowbray they are absolutely fantastic!!!The staff and service users are amazing and the thoughts and ideas and activities are terrific. what a marvelous atmosphere. We would very much like J to access Mowbray when she finishes school. Look forward to hearing from you soon. T….y Mi tn

Where can we find more information?
Visit for more information under “Mowbry Day Centre”.

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