About Us

Welcome to SpLinter Group!

Welcome to SpLinter Group, a unique project for young adults with learning differences across Northumberland and the surrounding area. We support ourselves and each other to get the best out of life on our own terms. The group is led and run by its own members, with support from assistants and volunteers. So everything we do is our choice, whether it’s running a course, organising a trip, managing a project or leading a campaign.

What we do

Helping neurodivergent young adults to live independently in the community

Offering regular meet-ups
for our members

a close up of a calendar with a red marker

Running special events and socials
to suit everyone

point A logo

Bringing all the information you need
together in one place

Providing a secure
environment for all people

person using MacBook Pro and holding cappuccino

Keeping our members informed
about past and future events

woman placing sticky notes on wall

Finding new ways to help
neurodivergent young adults

Recent News

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The Parent Carer forum are hosting a EHCP workshop from 10-2pm on Wednesday, 5th February.  Throughout this workshop they will be providing you with all the information to support you and your child or young person  along with helping you  navigate through the EHCP review system ✍️

If you would like to find out more information about this event please click here 🗓https://splintergroup.org.uk/event/ehcp-workshop-transitions-one-page-profiles-and-person-centred-planning/Image attachment

The Parent Carer forum are hosting a EHCP workshop from 10-2pm on Wednesday, 5th February. Throughout this workshop they will be providing you with all the information to support you and your child or young person along with helping you navigate through the EHCP review system ✍️

If you would like to find out more information about this event please click here 🗓https://splintergroup.org.uk/event/ehcp-workshop-transitions-one-page-profiles-and-person-centred-planning/
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1 week ago

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Inclusion North is interested to collaborate with five experts by experience to have help with creating a video 🎥 about reasonable adjustments and the NHS Reasonable Adjustment Flag.  According to Inclusion North these experts need to live in the North East or North Cumbria.

⚠️ Closing date to get involved ⚠️ 5th February

Please find further information about how to get involved in the link below 🖥:


This information is being shared in both in Plain English and Easy Read.Image attachment

Inclusion North is interested to collaborate with five experts by experience to have help with creating a video 🎥 about reasonable adjustments and the NHS Reasonable Adjustment Flag. According to Inclusion North these experts need to live in the North East or North Cumbria.

⚠️ Closing date to get involved ⚠️ 5th February

Please find further information about how to get involved in the link below 🖥:


This information is being shared in both in Plain English and Easy Read.
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2 weeks ago