Point A Profile
Inclusion North
What geographical area does the organisation cover?
North East, Yorkshire & Humber
Please give a short description of the organisation’s aims and what it does. If you are happy for us to take this information from your website please share the relevant web page.
Inclusion North exists to make inclusion a reality for all people with a learning disability, autistic people and their families.
Inclusion means everyone living good lives as valued members of society. We work to change society so that everybody can have a good life.
We raise awareness of the barriers to inclusion for people with a learning disability, autistic people and their families, and work to remove them.
What services do you currently offer, that would be useful and accessible to adults who identify as neurodivergent, autistic or with a learning disability?
Local areas join Inclusion North as members. We work with them on local projects to increase inclusion for people with a learning disability, autistic people and their families.
We support regional work around bigger issues that affect everyone. We are part of bigger pieces of work that affect the whole country.
We employ people with a learning disability or autism and family carers as Experts with lived experience in our Expert Hub.
Where in Northumberland can you meet people who may be referred?
We can meet online on Teams or Zoom or speak over the phone. When possible/appropriate we can meet in person around the region.
Who is the best person to contact to discuss making a referral?
Anya Bonner
Email: anya.bonner@inclusionnorth.org
Tel: 07483413220
Where can we find more information?
Visit https://inclusionnorth.org/