Adapt NE has partnered with The Office for National Statistics (ONS) both of these organisations would like to further investigate the topic of hate crime and advocacy in relation to people with learning disabilities and/or autism. They would like people with learning disabilities and autistic people to respond to their survey about Hate Crime. The intention behind this survey is to help provide support for people who have been affected by hate crime, with a view to increasing awareness, sharing information on tackling hate crime along with finding a way to ensure that victims of hate crime know how to access help and support.
The link to the survey about Hate Crime is here
Please find further information, about how to get help after a Hate Crime and understanding what contributes as a Hate Crime.
Hate Crime Leaflet
Hate Crime (Easy Read)
Please find more information about Connected Voice here. They are a regional advocacy who provide a service to victims of hate crimes who have a learning disability and/or autism.