Colourful post-its

August’s Get Together

On Friday evening SpLinter members came together at SpLinter Group‘s main hub in Cramlington.

It was an enjoyable evening filled with board games tournaments hosted by Lucy Wayper. Following that SpLinter members also had the chance to get involved in a Fifa video game competition organised by Frank Lyford. It was a great opportunity for us meet with new members and catch-up with existing members whilst sharing pizza and salad with everybody.

Every month we are using our gatherings to make sure we keep moving forward with our Point A project. We shared that over twenty organisations have added information to the website, and that over 90 people have made contact. We also introduced our new team of information support and advocacy workers – Frank, Lucy, Justine, Dennis, Julia and Laura.

Looking forward to our next monthly social happening in September. If you would be interested in joining us please get in touch here. Otherwise, if you would like more information about this upcoming event please click here.

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