Our partners
Here at SpLinter, we work with many other organisations who work with people with learning differences and disabilities. Here are a few that we work with regularly:
Adapt (North East) Tel: 01434 600599 Email: chris@adapt-tynedale.org.uk | Borderlinks Tel: 01289 305423 / 07900 252894 Email: borderlinks@btconnect.com |
Complex Connexions Tel: 07759 304457 Email: shelley@complexconnexions.co.uk | Happy Faces, Prudhoe Email: info@happyfaces-prudhoe.co.uk |
Headway Arts Tel: 01670 351962 Email: hello@headwayarts.co.uk | Mind and Sole Tel: 01665 603040 Email: mindandsole1@gmail.com |
Northern Butterflies Tel: 07919 852010 Email: sam6productions@hotmail.co.uk | Northumberland Parent Carer Forum Email: enquiries@npcf.co.uk |
The Central Users Forum Tel: 01670 356857 Email: thecentraluserforum@ northumberland.gov.uk | The Twisting Ducks Tel: 07925 167775 Email: info@thetwistingducks.co.uk |
Women’s Workshop Tel: 07775 817544 Email: info@womensworkshop.net |
There are a number of organisations which recognise the important work that we do and value the opinions of our members. As a result we hold places within the following organisations:
Autism Strategy Group Tel: Email: | Inclusion North Tel: 0113 244 4792 Email: info@inclusionnorth.org |
Learning Disability Partnership Board Tel: 0778 617 3140 Email: sean.brennan@ northumberland.gov.uk |